Archive: 2018

July 1, 2018

Maxims of a Staff Officer

By Maj. Steve Wojdakowski and Maj. Matt Williamson Army officers spend a majority of their time functioning as staff officers, yet they receive little inst...

July 1, 2018

New D3SOE Handbook

On 15 June, 2018, the Center for Army Lessons Learned officially released a new handbook titled “Operating in a Denied, Degraded, and Disrupted Space Operational Environment (D3SOE),” publication numb...

April 1, 2018

Army's Voice in Space

Is There Cause for Concern? By Gary Shugart The Department of Defense (DOD) relies on space capabilities and services such as satellite communications; ...

April 1, 2018

Solving Sensor Dilemmas

History-making Army satellite: 10 years later By John London and Mark Ray Unattended ground sensors have been used by the U.S. military in various forms...

April 1, 2018

At What Cost?

Leveraging emerging small satellite constellations By Maj. Bradley Townsend Recent news coverage is full of reports of plans for commercial satellite co...

Jan. 1, 2018

Denied, Degraded, Disrupted

By William T. Coffey Jr., Joan Rousseau and Lt. Col. Scott Mudge For Your Consideration: Jamming of space-enabled operational systems is expected. Comma...

Jan. 1, 2018

Maneuvering in Space

By Donald E. Messmer, Jr. For Your Consideration: “Talking Army” helps soldiers understand what space operations bring to the fight. Does using the...

Jan. 1, 2018

Is Smaller Better?

By Capt. Justin P. Martirosian For Your Consideration: Low cost, high availability and product delivery to tactical users are potential advantages of mi...

Jan. 1, 2018

Go Tactical to Succeed

By Capt. Ryan Stephenson For Your Consideration: Operating in contested environments requires special land and space systems. Proposed: An Army tactical...

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