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Dec. 27, 2018
Directed Energy: Transforming the Future of Warfare
By Lt. Col. Siegfried Ullrich Click Here for a Printable/PDF Version Directed Energy Technology: Transforming the Future of Warfare Military use of directed-energy technology has moved beyond...
Next Generation of Satellite Communications
By Lt. Col. Stacy Godshall Click Here for a Printable/PDF Version This article explores technological advancements that may enhance satellite communication (SATCOM) via transmitting in the Terah...
Dec. 26, 2018
Space: An Offense-Dominant Environment?
By Maj. Bradley Townsend Click Here for a Printable/PDF Version Where does the advantage lie in space, with the offense or the defense? Why does it matter? Put simply, perceptions of the balance...
Oct. 1, 2018
Re-establishing U.S. Space Command
By Gary Shugart Click Here for a Printable/PDF Version Since June 2018 there has been a continuous stream of activity related to U.S. military space organization and management. That month, Pres...
Is a Space Force Enough?
By Maj. Mike Krayer Click Here for a Printable/PDF Version When I first transitioned to the space operations career path within the U.S. Army in July 2017, the question being debated in Congress...
Space Wars: A.D. 1990-2030
Purview Editor’s Note: In the fall of 2001, then-Maj. James R. Meisinger, an Army space operations officer, published an article in Military Review’s military space issue. Projecting into the future b...
Applying Multi-Domain Concepts Against Counter-Space Threats
By Maj. Richard W. Gibson We need to train a Space Mission Force. We need our space operators focused on what to do in case of a threat and to operate thro...
July 1, 2018
Interview: Tracking the Plunging Station
“Under my new joint hat for U.S. Strategic Command I have a growing joint team to help me…. One of those is Army Maj. Jerry Micka. He was our lead for tracking ...
Advancing Missile Defense
By Maj. Gabriel Stokes In June 2018 the world watched as President Donald Trump met with Kim Jong Un, the leader of the Democratic People’s Republic of Kor...
Normalizing the Space Domain
By Maj. Joe Mroszczyk With so much talk about space as a warfighting domain, when will it actually be treated with the same weight of effort and investment...